由 張 » 2009 1月 10 (週六) 1:33 am
學士後建築碩士學程(M.Arch. I)
學士後建築碩士學程 Master in Architecture I (MArch I),Professional Degree,本組招收對建築有高度熱忱非建築相關科系已經取得學士學位之大學畢業生。本所積極延攬國內外年輕之優秀設計人才,參與本組前三學期之課程教授。第四學期之後專業課程與設計組合併,邀請得獎知名建築師教授建築設計課程,每年安排國際建築師參與為期一週的設計工作坊。本所鼓勵學生參加國際競圖、國際建築展、建築旅行或專案實習,期望學生建立國際視野與環境敏感度。課程中鼓勵設計組學生跨組選修數位媒材相關課程,培養學生面對數位時代整合性的設計能力。
本學程為七個學期三年半之課程架構,學生修滿70學分(含6門設計課+ 8門必修專題+4門選修專題),畢業設計創作須通過「設計口試委員會」的審核,並參加國際性競圖入圍,及達到所上要求的英文能力方能畢業。
Master in Architecture I (MArch I), Professional Degree
The program leading to the Master in Architecture as an accredited professional degree is intended for individuals who have completed the bachelor's degree with a major other than one of the design professions or with a preprofessional undergraduate major in one of the design professions. The course of study is rigorous and comprehensive, preparing graduates for the full range of professional activities in the field of architecture. It provides a solid intellectual base of knowledge in history, theory, technology, the social environment, and professional practice. Particular emphasis is given to developing mastery of design through an intensive series of design studio courses. As part of the process of developing independent thinking and resolving design issues, students are required to prepare a design thesis to serve as a transition from graduate school to professional practice. To attain registration for professional practice after completion of the degree, a candidate must complete an internship in an architectural office and pass a registration examination. Many students partially complete their internships during the summer while in graduate school