由 張 » 2010 5月 10 (週一) 12:45 am
The bridge
Plywood(夾板)50cm*30cm*2cm X 2片X(2sets),
Wood & metal joints(自訂)
Architecture space and its construction are rooted in its tectonics formulation. Intertwined with the forces of labor and economy, joints are crafted / designed to link elements of planes and lines in space. You will be given three weeks to complete a series of tasks in order to train your brains to think abstractly with seemingly boring physical constrains.
Gravity: you are asked to understand “what is a cantilever beam?” — must have calculations and supporting diagrams.
Site & Concepts: concept formulation in relationship to the edge of the table.
Wood & metal joints: analysis of a particular kind of complex joints that you are interested.
Full scale model complete: no glues / no non-stiff materials / no angles other than 30, 45, 60 degree
The first set of model will be require an acute angle / no angles other than 30, 45, 60
The second set of model will be require the reverse shape of the first set and the angle 2 will be the angle1 +90°
The minimum contact area is required.
∮3>∮4 more than 10°
03/04, 03/08, 03/11, 03/15,03/18 (評圖)
2 study models of joints chosen
2 Full scale model
Joint axonometric exploded — requires annotations