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日期時間:2011/01/17 14:00
學生:黃瑋晨+楊上緣+ 鄭惠馨+吳雅婷+黃遠君+石國瑜+曾聖凱+陳威誌
- 1/100 配置圖(屋頂平面)
- 1/100 立面圖(交代與基地關係) x1
- 1/100 剖面圖(交代與基地關係) x1
- 1/30 各層平面圖(不含屋頂)
- 1/30 立面圖 x1
- 1/30 剖面圖 x2
- 等角透視圖 x1
- 不限定透視圖 x1
- 設計說明相關圖面
- 1/200 配置模型
- 1/50 模型
A bus stop
rules of the bus stop:
- occupied ground area should be less than 50 sqm
- should at least include a 5m edge alongside the road
- at least 30% of the occupied area should be covered on the top
‐ should provide seating area for exact 5 people waiting for the bus
12/16 locating the bus stops
12/20 site plan and concept model(s)
12/23 site plan, major site sections, and concept model(s)
12/27 site plan, major site sections, and concept model(s)
12/30 plan(s), sections, and concept model(s)
01/03 plan(s), sections, and concept model(s)
01/06 plan(s), sections, and concept model(s)
01/10 plan(s), sections, and concept model(s)
01/13 review material preparation
01/17 project review
reference books:
‐ Architecture: Form, Space, & Order, by Francis D. K. Ching
Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (June 29, 2007)
ISBN‐13: 978‐0471752165
Chinese version: 建築:造型空間與秩序 (ISBN: 978‐9866669149)
‐ Architectural Graphics, by Francis D. K. Ching
Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition (November 23, 2009)
ISBN‐13: 978‐0470399118
Michael Pause
Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (November 12, 2004)
ISBN‐13: 978‐0471479741
‐ Presenting Architecture Essential Techniques, by Rikuo Nishimori
Publisher: Pageone (2008)
ISBN‐13: 978‐9812457554